Entradas Roma Pass

Via dei Fori Imperiali, 1, 00186 Roma RM, Italia

Desde 28,00€


Hazte ya con tu Roma Pass y recorre toda Roma ahorrando tiempo y dinero. La alternativa más sencilla para no dejar ni un rincón de la Ciudad Eterna sin ver.

Elige de entre las dos modalidades, aquella que mejor se adapte a tus circunstancias: Roma Pass 48h o 72h, ambas te ofrecen una serie de ventajas que no debes desaprovechar. Descuentos, acceso ilimitado a la red de transporte y acceso libre y sin colas a los museos más destacados de la ciudad.

Roma te espera, recoge tu tarjeta y deslúmbrate con los encantos de esta histórica ciudad.

Roma ilimitada con la tarjeta Roma Pass

La concentración de bienes de interés cultural que tiene Roma es de las más grandes de todo el mundo, simplemente pasear por sus calles ya es en sí un recorrido turístico. La ciudad concentra nada más y nada menos que 150 museos, además de otros lugares de interés como la Fontana Di Trevi o el Coliseo.

Entonces, ¿Cómo ver lo mejor de Roma en dos días? Nuestro consejo es que utilices la tarjeta Roma Pass y elijas entre las 2 modalidades disponibles: Roma Pass 48 horas y 72 horas.

Ambas incluyen las siguientes ventajas:

  • Entrada gratuita al primer museo (modalidad 48 horas) o a los 2 primeros museos (72 horas) + descuentos en el resto.
  • Acceso ilimitado a transporte: metro, autobuses y tranvías.
  • Descuentos y venta de entradas a precio reducido para eventos, exposiciones y servicios turísticos, en los que puedes ahorrar entre un 30% y 70%.
  • Válido 48 horas o 72 desde la primera validación y por accesos prioritarios, sin colas.

Recorre una ciudad que es considerada como la Ciudad Museo por excelencia y no te dejes nada por ver gracias a las facilidades que te ofrece la tarjeta Roma Pass.

¿Dónde recojo mi tarjeta?

Puedes recoger tu tarjeta en cualquiera de los Tourist INFOPOINTS que la ciudad tiene repartidos (Castillo S. Angelo, Ciampino, CInque Lune, Fiumicino, Fori Imperiali, Minghetti, Nazionale, Sonino o Termini). 

Precio de la Roma Pass

Tienes dos opciones de precios la de 48horas tiene un precio de 28€ y la de 72H un valor de 38,50. Ambas son fácilmente amortizables, solo visitando 5 lugares populares y subiendo al transporte público puedes ahorrar hasta 30€.

Deberás tener en cuenta que las cancelaciones no son posibles y que si no ves la opción de tarifa reducida para niños es porque los niños menores de 10 años tienen entrada gratuita a los museos de Roma.


*Una vez compradas las entradas, no se permitirá cambiar la fecha ni la hora y no se devolverá el importe bajo ninguna circunstancia

+ Cargar más


Via dei Fori Imperiali, 1, 00186 Roma RM, Italia

Selecciona tu entrada

Roma Pass 48h 28€

Adquiere tu tarjeta turística para visitar Roma con descuentos y sin colas durante 48 horas.


  • Acceso gratuito a la red de transporte de Roma
  • Acceso gratuito a diferentes museos y descuentos importantes para otros

Roma Pass 72h 38,50€

Adquiere tu tarjeta turística para visitar Roma con descuentos y sin colas durante 72 horas.


  • Acceso gratuito a la red de transporte de Roma
  • Acceso gratuito a diferentes museos y descuentos importantes para otros

Opiniones (469)

(Australia) 22/09/2019

very fast

(Brunei Darussalam) 19/09/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/09/2019

all its ok

(Netherlands Antilles) 17/09/2019

access fast and easy

(Bolivia) 15/09/2019

Great service

(Netherlands Antilles) 15/09/2019

fantastic day!

(Bangladesh) 15/09/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Burundi) 15/09/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Saint Barthelemy) 11/09/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Brunei Darussalam) 11/09/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Saint Barthelemy) 11/09/2019

we enjoy

(Benin) 10/09/2019

very gratefull

(Barbados) 23/08/2019

all its ok

(Bangladesh) 23/08/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Saint Barthelemy) 23/08/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Antarctica) 22/08/2019

on time

(Austria) 20/08/2019


(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 20/08/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Afghanistan) 20/08/2019

all its ok

(Burkina Faso) 19/08/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 16/08/2019

perfect, acces easy

Carolina (Barbados) 16/08/2019

access fast and easy

(Aruba) 14/08/2019

fantastic day!

Jhon (Burundi) 13/08/2019

we repeat

(Aruba) 13/08/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Armenia) 12/08/2019

access fast and easy

(Bangladesh) 10/08/2019

fantastic day!

(Netherlands Antilles) 22/07/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 22/07/2019

very gratefull

(Brunei Darussalam) 22/07/2019

access fast and easy

Ricardo (American Samoa) 22/07/2019

perfect, acces easy

Toni (Belgium) 21/07/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Albania) 19/07/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

Ricardo (Netherlands Antilles) 18/07/2019

Great service

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/07/2019

Great service

(Aruba) 17/07/2019

we repeat

(Benin) 14/07/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Anguilla) 14/07/2019

very fast

(Antarctica) 12/07/2019

very gratefull

(Armenia) 23/06/2019

we enjoy

(Bulgaria) 22/06/2019

all its ok

(Benin) 19/06/2019

on time

(United Arab Emirates) 18/06/2019

we enjoy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 18/06/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bangladesh) 17/06/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Aruba) 13/06/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Benin) 12/06/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Anguilla) 22/05/2019

on time

(Burkina Faso) 20/05/2019

very gratefull

(Andorra) 20/05/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Burkina Faso) 19/05/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Aruba) 14/05/2019

fantastic day!

(Saint Barthelemy) 13/05/2019

we repeat

Alfonso (Anguilla) 13/05/2019

we enjoy

(Burundi) 12/05/2019

Great service

(Angola) 12/05/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

Rusell (Armenia) 23/04/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Brunei Darussalam) 22/04/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bulgaria) 22/04/2019

all its ok

(Argentina) 22/04/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 20/04/2019

it was fast, excelent

(American Samoa) 18/04/2019

we enjoy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 17/04/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Brunei Darussalam) 17/04/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Benin) 15/04/2019

very fast

(Azerbaijan) 15/04/2019

on time

(Armenia) 14/04/2019

Great service

(Austria) 13/04/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Burkina Faso) 13/04/2019

we enjoy

(Anguilla) 11/04/2019


(Antigua and Barbuda) 10/04/2019

access fast and easy

(Bolivia) 10/04/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Belgium) 23/03/2019

Great service

(Anguilla) 23/03/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Bolivia) 23/03/2019

very gratefull

(Antarctica) 22/03/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Bermuda) 22/03/2019

we repeat

(Bahrain) 22/03/2019

on time

(Bolivia) 22/03/2019

very fast

(Belgium) 21/03/2019

Great service

(Angola) 20/03/2019

Great service

(Benin) 19/03/2019

fantastic day!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 18/03/2019

on time

(Brunei Darussalam) 16/03/2019

we enjoy

(Antarctica) 14/03/2019

we repeat

Natalie (Australia) 14/03/2019

very gratefull

Alfonso (Bermuda) 12/03/2019

fantastic day!

(Anguilla) 12/03/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Antigua and Barbuda) 11/03/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Bangladesh) 10/03/2019

we enjoy

(United Arab Emirates) 23/02/2019

on time

(Bolivia) 21/02/2019

we repeat

(Bermuda) 20/02/2019

Great service

(Bermuda) 19/02/2019

on time

(Anguilla) 19/02/2019

fantastic day!

(Burkina Faso) 19/02/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Aland Islands) 17/02/2019

all its ok

(Saint Barthelemy) 16/02/2019

fantastic day!

(Brunei Darussalam) 15/02/2019

very gratefull

(Australia) 15/02/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Australia) 15/02/2019

very gratefull

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 14/02/2019


(Anguilla) 11/02/2019

Great service

(Azerbaijan) 10/02/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Saint Barthelemy) 23/01/2019

fantastic day!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 22/01/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Australia) 21/01/2019


(Albania) 21/01/2019


(Burkina Faso) 20/01/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Netherlands Antilles) 19/01/2019

very fast

(Belgium) 19/01/2019

fantastic day!

(Aland Islands) 19/01/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Albania) 18/01/2019

all its ok

(Aland Islands) 18/01/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Aland Islands) 17/01/2019

all its ok

(Benin) 15/01/2019

very fast

(Andorra) 14/01/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Antarctica) 14/01/2019

very fast

(Albania) 10/01/2019

fantastic day!

(Albania) 23/09/2018

very fast

(Bermuda) 22/09/2018

we enjoy

(Antarctica) 21/09/2018

all its ok

(Azerbaijan) 21/09/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Saint Barthelemy) 20/09/2018

perfect, acces easy

(United Arab Emirates) 20/09/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bahrain) 20/09/2018

fantastic day!

(Andorra) 19/09/2018

we repeat

(Benin) 18/09/2018

very gratefull

(Bahrain) 17/09/2018

Just on time, good organization

Alfonso (Bermuda) 15/09/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Benin) 15/09/2018

we enjoy

Carolina (Aruba) 13/09/2018

on time

(Barbados) 11/09/2018

we repeat

(Austria) 11/09/2018


(Austria) 11/09/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Belgium) 10/09/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bulgaria) 23/08/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Australia) 22/08/2018

very gratefull

(Burundi) 19/08/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Austria) 17/08/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Antarctica) 17/08/2018

very fast

(Brunei Darussalam) 16/08/2018

all its ok

(Afghanistan) 15/08/2018

fantastic day!

(Aruba) 13/08/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Aruba) 12/08/2018

Just on time, good organization

Asunción (Bulgaria) 11/08/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Aruba) 10/08/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bahrain) 23/07/2018

Great service

(American Samoa) 22/07/2018

very fast

(United Arab Emirates) 15/07/2018


(Armenia) 15/07/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Austria) 14/07/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(United Arab Emirates) 13/07/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bangladesh) 12/07/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Burkina Faso) 11/07/2018


(Aland Islands) 22/06/2018


(Antigua and Barbuda) 21/06/2018

Great service

(Bangladesh) 21/06/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bulgaria) 21/06/2018

we enjoy

(Burkina Faso) 18/06/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Azerbaijan) 17/06/2018

on time

Alfonso (Netherlands Antilles) 16/06/2018

access fast and easy

(Angola) 14/06/2018

access fast and easy

(Benin) 13/06/2018

we enjoy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 12/06/2018

fantastic day!

(Burkina Faso) 11/06/2018

Great service

(Australia) 11/06/2018

very fast

(Australia) 23/05/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Angola) 22/05/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Antarctica) 20/05/2018

very fast

(Australia) 20/05/2018

on time

(United Arab Emirates) 19/05/2018

perfect, acces easy

(United Arab Emirates) 19/05/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bermuda) 19/05/2018

on time

Russell (Belgium) 18/05/2018

fantastic day!

(Burkina Faso) 17/05/2018

we enjoy

(Afghanistan) 17/05/2018

we repeat

(Andorra) 15/05/2018

Great service

(Aruba) 15/05/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Azerbaijan) 14/05/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Antigua and Barbuda) 14/05/2018

very fast

(Bangladesh) 14/05/2018

Great service

(Albania) 12/05/2018

very fast

(Armenia) 11/05/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Saint Barthelemy) 10/05/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Austria) 10/05/2018

on time

(Brunei Darussalam) 23/04/2018

fantastic day!

Russell (Anguilla) 23/04/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Barbados) 23/04/2018

all its ok

(Antarctica) 22/04/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Barbados) 21/04/2018

perfect, acces easy

(United Arab Emirates) 21/04/2018

very gratefull

Asunción (Australia) 20/04/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Australia) 19/04/2018

we repeat

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 19/04/2018

on time

Rusell (Azerbaijan) 19/04/2018

all its ok

(Belgium) 14/04/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Armenia) 14/04/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Belgium) 13/04/2018

Great service

(Bahrain) 13/04/2018

fantastic day!

(Belgium) 12/04/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Andorra) 11/04/2018

access fast and easy

(Austria) 23/03/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Burundi) 23/03/2018

access fast and easy

(Azerbaijan) 21/03/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 17/03/2018

very fast

(Antigua and Barbuda) 16/03/2018

Great service

(Burkina Faso) 14/03/2018

access fast and easy

(Aruba) 13/03/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bahrain) 10/03/2018

very fast

(Bolivia) 10/03/2018


(Netherlands Antilles) 10/03/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Azerbaijan) 23/02/2018

access fast and easy

(Azerbaijan) 22/02/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Bulgaria) 21/02/2018

we enjoy

(Brunei Darussalam) 21/02/2018

very fast

(Australia) 19/02/2018

very gratefull

(Bermuda) 18/02/2018

all its ok

(Burundi) 18/02/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Belgium) 14/02/2018

on time

(Barbados) 13/02/2018

Great service

(Belgium) 12/02/2018

on time

(Bulgaria) 10/02/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Burkina Faso) 21/01/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 18/01/2018


(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 17/01/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Bulgaria) 17/01/2018

on time

(Antigua and Barbuda) 17/01/2018

we repeat

(Antarctica) 16/01/2018


(Australia) 15/01/2018

we repeat

(Argentina) 15/01/2018

all its ok

(Aland Islands) 11/01/2018

all its ok

(Andorra) 23/09/2017

fantastic day!

(Bermuda) 22/09/2017

fantastic day!

(Burundi) 22/09/2017

fantastic day!

(Netherlands Antilles) 22/09/2017

we enjoy

(Azerbaijan) 21/09/2017

Great service

(Argentina) 21/09/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 21/09/2017

all its ok

(Antigua and Barbuda) 20/09/2017

Great service

(Benin) 20/09/2017

we repeat

(Belgium) 19/09/2017

very gratefull

(Belgium) 18/09/2017

very gratefull

(United Arab Emirates) 17/09/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Andorra) 16/09/2017

on time

(Andorra) 16/09/2017

we repeat

(Netherlands Antilles) 15/09/2017

we repeat

(Antigua and Barbuda) 13/09/2017

Great service

(Armenia) 13/09/2017

all its ok

(Bermuda) 13/09/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Antarctica) 12/09/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

Ricardo (Albania) 10/09/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Burkina Faso) 23/08/2017

very gratefull

(Saint Barthelemy) 21/08/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Netherlands Antilles) 20/08/2017


(Australia) 20/08/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Australia) 20/08/2017

we repeat

(Afghanistan) 17/08/2017

very fast

(Benin) 17/08/2017

Great service

(Antarctica) 15/08/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bermuda) 14/08/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Australia) 14/08/2017

Great service

(Barbados) 14/08/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Andorra) 22/07/2017

we repeat

(Australia) 22/07/2017

we repeat

(United Arab Emirates) 21/07/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bangladesh) 19/07/2017

very gratefull

(American Samoa) 19/07/2017

we repeat

(Belgium) 19/07/2017


(Armenia) 19/07/2017

fantastic day!

(Austria) 16/07/2017

fantastic day!

(Brunei Darussalam) 15/07/2017

all its ok

(Barbados) 15/07/2017


(Belgium) 15/07/2017

access fast and easy

(Argentina) 14/07/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Afghanistan) 13/07/2017

on time

(Albania) 12/07/2017


(Argentina) 12/07/2017

on time

(Austria) 23/06/2017


(Bolivia) 16/06/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Belgium) 15/06/2017

we enjoy

(Aruba) 13/06/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Antigua and Barbuda) 12/06/2017

very fast

(Brunei Darussalam) 12/06/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Azerbaijan) 21/05/2017

we repeat

(Brunei Darussalam) 20/05/2017

very gratefull

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 19/05/2017


(Bulgaria) 19/05/2017

very fast

(Benin) 19/05/2017


(Argentina) 18/05/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Anguilla) 18/05/2017

very gratefull

(Bahrain) 17/05/2017

we enjoy

(Aruba) 15/05/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Burkina Faso) 14/05/2017

very fast

(Burundi) 12/05/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Saint Barthelemy) 11/05/2017

we enjoy

(Antarctica) 10/05/2017

access fast and easy

(Austria) 23/04/2017

very fast

(Argentina) 22/04/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/04/2017

Great service

(Bangladesh) 16/04/2017


(Azerbaijan) 15/04/2017

all its ok

(Benin) 15/04/2017

Great service

(Bahrain) 11/04/2017

access fast and easy

(Austria) 11/04/2017

fantastic day!

(Angola) 21/03/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Aland Islands) 20/03/2017

access fast and easy

(Burundi) 20/03/2017

very fast

(Bulgaria) 19/03/2017

we repeat

(Bulgaria) 19/03/2017

we enjoy

(Antarctica) 15/03/2017

it was fast, excelent

(American Samoa) 13/03/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Bolivia) 13/03/2017

fantastic day!

(Australia) 10/03/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Netherlands Antilles) 22/02/2017


(Austria) 22/02/2017

Just on time, good organization

(United Arab Emirates) 21/02/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Argentina) 20/02/2017

access fast and easy

(Brunei Darussalam) 20/02/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Argentina) 20/02/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Barbados) 20/02/2017

on time

(Armenia) 19/02/2017

all its ok

(Argentina) 19/02/2017

Great service

(Austria) 16/02/2017

we enjoy

(Aland Islands) 15/02/2017

very gratefull

(Belgium) 15/02/2017

very fast

(Barbados) 12/02/2017

we enjoy

(Azerbaijan) 12/02/2017

Great service

(Andorra) 11/02/2017

Great service

(Belgium) 10/02/2017

on time

(Saint Barthelemy) 10/02/2017

access fast and easy

(Benin) 23/01/2017

we repeat

(Belgium) 21/01/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Angola) 19/01/2017

fantastic day!

(Aruba) 18/01/2017

we enjoy

(Andorra) 18/01/2017

all its ok

(Benin) 18/01/2017

Great service

(Antigua and Barbuda) 18/01/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Aland Islands) 16/01/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Andorra) 16/01/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Antarctica) 15/01/2017

fantastic day!

(Netherlands Antilles) 14/01/2017

very gratefull

Toni (Aland Islands) 11/01/2017

we repeat

(Australia) 11/01/2017

access fast and easy

(Angola) 23/09/2016

access fast and easy

(Bermuda) 21/09/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Aland Islands) 19/09/2016

we enjoy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 19/09/2016


(Bermuda) 16/09/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Antarctica) 15/09/2016

we repeat

(Bangladesh) 14/09/2016

very gratefull

(Aruba) 14/09/2016


(American Samoa) 13/09/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Armenia) 13/09/2016

fantastic day!

(Armenia) 12/09/2016


(Benin) 11/09/2016

very gratefull

(Angola) 10/09/2016

access fast and easy

(Barbados) 10/09/2016


(Austria) 23/08/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Netherlands Antilles) 22/08/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bahrain) 21/08/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Angola) 17/08/2016

we repeat

(Argentina) 17/08/2016

we enjoy

(Netherlands Antilles) 16/08/2016

very gratefull

(Aland Islands) 16/08/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Argentina) 16/08/2016

on time

(Andorra) 15/08/2016

we repeat

(Armenia) 15/08/2016

access fast and easy

(Albania) 14/08/2016

very gratefull

(Benin) 11/08/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Austria) 10/08/2016

it was fast, excelent

(American Samoa) 10/08/2016

very fast

(Aruba) 23/07/2016

Great service

(Antarctica) 18/07/2016

Great service

(Antigua and Barbuda) 17/07/2016

Great service

(Burundi) 15/07/2016

we repeat

(Australia) 15/07/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(United Arab Emirates) 14/07/2016

very gratefull

(Armenia) 14/07/2016

we enjoy

(Bangladesh) 12/07/2016

very fast

(Aruba) 12/07/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Aruba) 12/07/2016

on time

(Barbados) 10/07/2016

fantastic day!

(United Arab Emirates) 22/06/2016

we enjoy

(Argentina) 22/06/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Antigua and Barbuda) 21/06/2016

we repeat

(Afghanistan) 21/06/2016

on time

(Bulgaria) 20/06/2016

all its ok

(Andorra) 20/06/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Bermuda) 18/06/2016

we enjoy

(Saint Barthelemy) 18/06/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/06/2016

very fast

(Antigua and Barbuda) 16/06/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bermuda) 14/06/2016

fantastic day!

(Argentina) 14/06/2016

all its ok

Rita (Benin) 13/06/2016

fantastic day!

(Austria) 12/06/2016

we enjoy

(Netherlands Antilles) 11/06/2016

on time

Jhon (Burundi) 22/05/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Azerbaijan) 20/05/2016

on time

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 19/05/2016

we enjoy

(Australia) 19/05/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Armenia) 18/05/2016

all its ok

(Bulgaria) 17/05/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Antarctica) 16/05/2016

we enjoy

(Bolivia) 15/05/2016


(Bulgaria) 14/05/2016


(Australia) 13/05/2016

very fast

(Aruba) 12/05/2016

all its ok

(Austria) 12/05/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Aruba) 12/05/2016

very gratefull

(Antigua and Barbuda) 12/05/2016

perfect, acces easy

(American Samoa) 11/05/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Bulgaria) 10/05/2016

all its ok

(Netherlands Antilles) 10/05/2016

we enjoy

(Anguilla) 23/04/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Albania) 22/04/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Burundi) 22/04/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Burundi) 22/04/2016

access fast and easy

(Austria) 22/04/2016

on time

(Aland Islands) 21/04/2016

Great service

(Bangladesh) 20/04/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Andorra) 19/04/2016

access fast and easy

Russell (United Arab Emirates) 18/04/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Afghanistan) 16/04/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bangladesh) 14/04/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

Russell (Burundi) 12/04/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Burundi) 10/04/2016

we enjoy

(Brunei Darussalam) 23/03/2016

on time

(Bermuda) 21/03/2016

Great service

Ricardo (Azerbaijan) 21/03/2016

access fast and easy

(Bahrain) 19/03/2016

very fast

(Angola) 18/03/2016

access fast and easy

(Brunei Darussalam) 18/03/2016


(Aland Islands) 15/03/2016

on time

(Bermuda) 14/03/2016

Great service

(Anguilla) 14/03/2016

we enjoy

(Aruba) 13/03/2016


(Bulgaria) 12/03/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Azerbaijan) 12/03/2016

very fast

(Benin) 11/03/2016

Great service

(Bolivia) 10/03/2016

we repeat

(Australia) 22/02/2016

very gratefull

(Brunei Darussalam) 21/02/2016

very fast

(American Samoa) 21/02/2016

we enjoy

(Belgium) 19/02/2016

we repeat

(Andorra) 19/02/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Andorra) 17/02/2016

all its ok

(Aruba) 16/02/2016

very gratefull

(Bahrain) 16/02/2016

access fast and easy

(Barbados) 16/02/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Aland Islands) 13/02/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Aland Islands) 12/02/2016

on time

(Benin) 11/02/2016

all its ok

(Aruba) 11/02/2016


(Antigua and Barbuda) 10/02/2016

Great service

(Armenia) 10/02/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Netherlands Antilles) 21/01/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Barbados) 17/01/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Benin) 17/01/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Afghanistan) 15/01/2016

access fast and easy

(Antigua and Barbuda) 15/01/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Bermuda) 14/01/2016

all its ok

(Saint Barthelemy) 12/01/2016

we repeat

(United Arab Emirates) 12/01/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 11/01/2016

fantastic day!

(Afghanistan) 11/01/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Belgium) 11/01/2016

all its ok

(Bermuda) 10/01/2016

we repeat

+ Ver todas las opiniones
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